This weekend I attended two interesting events: The first one was with Destiny Agugu, owner of and the title of the seminar was "Develop your brand voice".
The main reason why I attended this event is because I think her blog (and her website) is unique. Generally I feel that many people (that maybe have a lot of knowledge about search engine optimization and other stuff likewise) have a website or a blog that is not easy or comfortable to read, as there might be too much information, or it is not clearly displayed, etc.
In the case of USP Copy, the blog is something I look forward to read, as it is not something that is being bombarded every week... maybe you can read it once a month and it is something easy to read, inspirational, thought provoking, useful... that leaves you with interest of reading more about it, thinking more about it.
For some reason it is the type of blog that you can go back to read things you have read before to think more about it, or just for the enjoyment of reading without effort. I guess the reason for this is the values that are embedded on her work: uniqueness, integrity, simplicity...
This is the way to understand the importance of what she explained: The need to understand your brand, who you are, so you can write your content according to your brand.
It is very inspiring to listen Destiny talking about USP, not only about products, services, organisations that are different, but about the person who is behind and his/her values, what can make that in a very competitive market, the decision can be made accoding to the values of this person. It is not only about what you do, but how you do it and why? What problem do you solve? explained Destiny. This made reference to the famous Simon Sinek "Start with Why"
The main reason why I attended this event is because I think her blog (and her website) is unique. Generally I feel that many people (that maybe have a lot of knowledge about search engine optimization and other stuff likewise) have a website or a blog that is not easy or comfortable to read, as there might be too much information, or it is not clearly displayed, etc.
In the case of USP Copy, the blog is something I look forward to read, as it is not something that is being bombarded every week... maybe you can read it once a month and it is something easy to read, inspirational, thought provoking, useful... that leaves you with interest of reading more about it, thinking more about it.
For some reason it is the type of blog that you can go back to read things you have read before to think more about it, or just for the enjoyment of reading without effort. I guess the reason for this is the values that are embedded on her work: uniqueness, integrity, simplicity...
This is the way to understand the importance of what she explained: The need to understand your brand, who you are, so you can write your content according to your brand.
It is very inspiring to listen Destiny talking about USP, not only about products, services, organisations that are different, but about the person who is behind and his/her values, what can make that in a very competitive market, the decision can be made accoding to the values of this person. It is not only about what you do, but how you do it and why? What problem do you solve? explained Destiny. This made reference to the famous Simon Sinek "Start with Why"
As Destiny mentioned, when you think about these questions, you clarify your values, identify your ideal client and create a message that speaks to them.
One of the tips I got was to keep in mind your top values. Another one is to choose which type of client you want to work with. I suppose that by working with people sharing similar values, work can be very fulfilling.
My reflection is to continue thinking about my values, to have them present, to value them (to value my values).
On the other side, watching Destiny talking about "Develop your brand voice" there is something about the way she presented it, that seemed very genuine, because the seminar was brief, in a relaxed atmosphere and at the same time very inspiring in the simplicity of the way the ideas were presented. Something to learn and to practice: how to simplify the message, how to condense in few words a message that reflects so much meaning. Very useful when thinking about doing an "Elevator Pitch", I think.
I was surprised when I read in her website how many things your business copy need to do.... but as she summarize it in brief:
"To ensure that your business message is clear and speaks to the right people. Simple."
One of the tips I got was to keep in mind your top values. Another one is to choose which type of client you want to work with. I suppose that by working with people sharing similar values, work can be very fulfilling.
My reflection is to continue thinking about my values, to have them present, to value them (to value my values).
On the other side, watching Destiny talking about "Develop your brand voice" there is something about the way she presented it, that seemed very genuine, because the seminar was brief, in a relaxed atmosphere and at the same time very inspiring in the simplicity of the way the ideas were presented. Something to learn and to practice: how to simplify the message, how to condense in few words a message that reflects so much meaning. Very useful when thinking about doing an "Elevator Pitch", I think.
I was surprised when I read in her website how many things your business copy need to do.... but as she summarize it in brief:
"To ensure that your business message is clear and speaks to the right people. Simple."