Free thinking is like dreaming, you can enjoy it, play with it, make it big, have fun, feel especial…
Sometimes people ask me what creative thinking techniques I use… and there is not an easy answer: depending on the circumstances. When I wrote my book “Essex Creativity”, I did an acronym to simplify a group of different type of techniques called B.A.S.I.D.O.N. B stands for “brainstorming”, however, the techniques I shortlisted are mainly to be used individually, so there is a variation of brainstorming, like “brainwriting” (there could be other variations using social media, such as twitter, WhatsApp, blog, youtube comments, email, etc.). I especially make an emphasis about it as an attitude, a mental environment in which you allow yourself to generate all type of ideas.
What is interesting about this acronym and what I found more helpful, relates to de fact of using 7 different types of “techniques” or tools and the fact that you are7 times thinking about the same topic and generating similar ideas with variations.
In that book I wrote, I already expressed the possibility of thinking about yourselfor about others. After attending a conference of James Altucher, I understood the benefits of being consistent generating ideas about improvement (of yourself or others, or anything). His idea is to write 10 ideas every day about something. Since some time ago, when I go to work in the tube, I write 10 ideas about something, usually about myself but sometimes about others. I realised some time ago about the benefits of forcing myself to generate ideas regardless of using any method. At the same time, I have learnt that the same day I have an idea I feel I should do something about, I ensure I do it (or, at least, I start it) that same day, as in the past, many of my ideas are lost in a paper…
My last development has brought me to appreciate the benefits of networkingand the use of social media for different purposes. I could ask questions about some topics and also answer questions about other topics, or comment on blogs of other people… but I can also suggest things to people that I think could benefit them. The next step also could be to link with people like minded and try to do projects together. When doing something, thoughts become precious. Doing something for somebody, giving ideas for free, returns gratitude and inspiration, what is a wonderful motivation to continue thinking as a type of virtuous cycle. Thinking about yourself is good but thinking about others and sharing it with them is better because at the same time, is feeding you back about your own thoughts, so it is helping you. Even if you don´t share your thoughts about others, thinking about others give you the motivation to do something about them. Prayer is a “powerful tool” to generate motivation to do things: a motivational inspiration to act. Thinking and praying could have some links connected with feelings, motivation, topic subject to work on and action.Feelings, thoughts, behaviour. Crede ut intelligas-intellige ut credas, ora et labora.
Thinking is interesting but doing is productive. Doing can start by writing an idea on paper (or in a book) or sharing it with social media, even contacting somebody in particular.