Sunday breakfast. Yesterday I went to a wedding so today I have awoken ready to have some breakfast... Then, I had to do one of these important decisions you have to do on Sunday morning: jam or honey?
I chose honey! Why? I guess I am still a bit tired from the wedding, so I wanted the easiest one and the honey is in a squeeze bottle dispenser, what make it very easy...
My next chain of thoughts or questions: why they don´t sell jam on squeeze bottles? Should I check in google if they do? Should I ask any jam manufacturers to consider it? Will it be more expensive than the jam in usual containers (as it happens with the honey)? Would I buy it even though it is a bit more expensive? Would I prefer that than emptying a jam container and try to see if it works in a squeeze bottle dispenser?
Analogies with other ideas: I think this morning I would have preferred jam and the reason for choosing honey, was because it was easier. This has made me think about other situations in which we choose something, not because it is the best option, but because it is the easier: For example, we tend to buy things in the same places, to ask for support to the people we feel happy with, we tend to follow routines because it is easy.
That is why it is good to decide to break routines, to try new things.
Thinking again about ideas we want to implement or to sell, once the idea has been developed, there is an important step of "personalisation" adapting it and its benefits to the person we are selling it. How can we make the idea easy to be implemented? How can we create the SQUEEZE BOTTLE DISPENSER that makes the idea more interesting than others?
There are many ways to choose ideas: pros/cons, cost-benefits analysis, voting, voting with criteria, etc. etc.
One step further we could use is "how to make it more interesting?" Even though it is not very specific, it will make us think about the interests of each person involved in the implementation of the idea.
Maybe visualising the SQUEEZE BOTTLE DISPENSER, we can remember that sometimes the idea that can win is not the best one (jam), but the most interesting (for some reason, ie. laziness) for an individual.
This can suggest many ideas that can eliminate middlemen or uncomfortable filters and substitute them.
I chose honey! Why? I guess I am still a bit tired from the wedding, so I wanted the easiest one and the honey is in a squeeze bottle dispenser, what make it very easy...
My next chain of thoughts or questions: why they don´t sell jam on squeeze bottles? Should I check in google if they do? Should I ask any jam manufacturers to consider it? Will it be more expensive than the jam in usual containers (as it happens with the honey)? Would I buy it even though it is a bit more expensive? Would I prefer that than emptying a jam container and try to see if it works in a squeeze bottle dispenser?
Analogies with other ideas: I think this morning I would have preferred jam and the reason for choosing honey, was because it was easier. This has made me think about other situations in which we choose something, not because it is the best option, but because it is the easier: For example, we tend to buy things in the same places, to ask for support to the people we feel happy with, we tend to follow routines because it is easy.
That is why it is good to decide to break routines, to try new things.
Thinking again about ideas we want to implement or to sell, once the idea has been developed, there is an important step of "personalisation" adapting it and its benefits to the person we are selling it. How can we make the idea easy to be implemented? How can we create the SQUEEZE BOTTLE DISPENSER that makes the idea more interesting than others?
There are many ways to choose ideas: pros/cons, cost-benefits analysis, voting, voting with criteria, etc. etc.
One step further we could use is "how to make it more interesting?" Even though it is not very specific, it will make us think about the interests of each person involved in the implementation of the idea.
Maybe visualising the SQUEEZE BOTTLE DISPENSER, we can remember that sometimes the idea that can win is not the best one (jam), but the most interesting (for some reason, ie. laziness) for an individual.
This can suggest many ideas that can eliminate middlemen or uncomfortable filters and substitute them.