In 1985, Manuel Luque took a company who was nearly in bankruptcy (CAMP, cleaning products), at that time owing approx. 66.1 millions of euros and in 1989 was sold for approx. 216.4 millions of euros.
Among the things Manuel Luque did was the following advert that became extremely popular as it was a radical change comparing with the other adverts about cleaning products. In the advert, he introduces himself as Director General (Chief Executive Officer - CEO), explaining that he is proud of the product, and how they have been improving the product during the last 20 years.
The main message at the end of the advert states: "Busque, compare y si encuentra algo mejor, cómprelo", what means something like "Seek, compare and if you find something better, buy it!"
In 1985, Manuel Luque took a company who was nearly in bankruptcy (CAMP, cleaning products), at that time owing approx. 66.1 millions of euros and in 1989 was sold for approx. 216.4 millions of euros.
Among the things Manuel Luque did was the following advert that became extremely popular as it was a radical change comparing with the other adverts about cleaning products. In the advert, he introduces himself as Director General (Chief Executive Officer - CEO), explaining that he is proud of the product, and how they have been improving the product during the last 20 years.
The main message at the end of the advert states: "Busque, compare y si encuentra algo mejor, cómprelo", what means something like "Seek, compare and if you find something better, buy it!"
When Luis Bassat started his advertising agency, one of his success was the publicity created for "Filomatic" razor blades (produced by his father´s company), that later would be sold to Gillette.
To know more about the many interesting things about Luis Bassat, you can read